Congratulations to all my Maine NATS singers today for giving it their all and sharing their artistry with the judges: Brian Cullen, Danielle Robichaud, Alison Loughlin, Eric Kelley, Anna Faherty, Calla Burman, Addie Burman, Vagni Das, Joe Lambert, Andrew Favreau, Kristen Gilhooly, Sarah Krause, Ocean Robbins, Kaylin Penley and Kirby Ferraro. Special shout out to those who won some awards:
Musical Theater Div 3
2nd Place Vagni Das
3rd Place Addie Burman
Div 4
2nd Place Kirby Ferraro
Div 6
2nd Place Kristen Gilhooly
1st Place Danielle Robichaud
2nd Place Anna Faherty
3rd Place Brian Cullen
Classical Div 6
2nd Place Sarah Krause
1st Place Andrew Favreau
2nd Place Danielle Robichaud
3rd Place Brian Cullen